Company Overview

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Company Overview

Company name Kanedai Co., Ltd.
Address 1-100 Kawaguchi-cho, Kesennuma, Miyagi
incorporated June 27, 1955 (Founded: April 1942)
Capital 12 million yen
Fiscal year-end August
Annual sales 8.8 billion yen (for the fiscal year ended August 2023)
Number of employees 130
Board of Directors Representative Director and President: Shunsuke Sato
Executive Director: Akihiko Fujimura
Executive Director: Seiki Onodera
Director: Tsutomu Oikawa
Director: Eiichi Iwatsuki
Director: Akira Oyama
Director: Masahiko Goto
Corporate Auditor: Makiko Sato
Recognitions and Certifications
Feb. 2002: "Nama Taraba Seiro Mushi" received the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award
Oct. 2003: The Company received the 77 Business Grand Prize
Dec. 2008: "Sanma Amazu-shime Hokugen-no-yuzu-iri" received the Chairperson Prize of the Japan Society for Promotion of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Oct. 2020: Selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a company that drives future growth of the local economy
Nov. 2020: Selected by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency as one of 300 model SMEs that are coping with structural changes in the economy and society
Mar. 2024: Certified under the 2024 Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization Recognition Program in the SME category;